Woman who has received Brisbane invisalign aligner treatment by Toowong Orthodontics

Smile Out Loud with Invisalign® Aligners

At Toowong Orthodontics, we are all about empowering individuals with the confidence to smile out loud! Our Brisbane clinic offers Invisalign® treatment which gives patients a straighter smile without impacting their self-confidence. It is ideal for patients wanting a less invasive and almost invisible treatment option.

The Invisalign® aligner treatment has evolved over 20 years and has been used to treat over 8 million patients worldwide and with Dr Goodyear’s specialist expertise, Invisalign® is an effective and reliable treatment option for patients in Brisbane.

How does Invisalign® treatment work?

Invisalign® treatment consists of a series of custom-made, clear and removable aligners that are produced especially for you. As you replace each aligner, your teeth will move – little by little, week by week – until they have straightened to the final position prescribed by your Orthodontist, Dr Goodyear.

What’s involved in the Invisalign® treatment?

Like any orthodontic treatment, there are a number of steps in the process to ensure you will be smiling out loud from the results.

1. Consultation Appointment

Dr Goodyear will conduct a dental examination including x-rays and photographs, to assess the best treatment option for you. Invisalign® aligners are more effective for some cases, while braces are more effective for other cases. So, it’s important to conduct a thorough examination to ensure you will get the best results.

2. Scanning Appointment

We will take an Invisalign® iTero scan so Dr Goodyear and the Align technicians can work together to create the most effective treatment plan for you. Our specialist orthodontic expertise here is what will give you an amazing result at the end of your treatment.

3. Aligner Fit and Attachment Bonding

In 4-6 weeks, your aligners will arrive to the clinic ready for fitting. At this appointment we will also place your attachments (tooth coloured ‘bumps’) on your teeth. We will give you all the information about your treatment as well as your next 6 weeks’ worth of aligners.

4. Aligner Check-up Visits

Every 6-8 weeks (depending on the patient) you will come in for a check-up visit. Here we will be able to oversee the treatment progression and ensure you’re on the best track to a straighter smile!

5. Refinement

At the end of your first ‘set’ of aligners Dr Goodyear will reassess if you require more aligners to move the teeth into their precise final positions. If needed we will take new scans and photos, refine your treatment plan, and a new set of aligners will be sent to the clinic. The aligner fit and check-up appointments continue until we achieve the desired treatment outcome.

6. Completion of Treatment

With a transformed smile that makes you feel confident, your treatment is complete. We will give you either a bonded or removable retainer to make sure you maintain your straighter smile. We will continue to monitor your smile for 12 months after treatment (3 months and 12 months) to ensure you’re wearing your retainer correctly and your teeth are staying in their final position.


Hear from our Dental Assistant Jana’s about her successful experience with Invisalign® treatment as an adult.

Overall, Invisalign® is an effective orthodontic treatment when done with a specialist, like Dr Goodyear. It’s best to consult with your Orthodontist to ensure it is the best treatment option for you to get the smile you want. Our Brisbane orthodontic team is happy to discuss any Invisalign® questions you may have or book a consultation appointment.